In early April 2024, we were very delighted to have Dr Rosie Drinkwater with us at the TEE Lab. Rosie is a Postdoctoral fellow at Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), and works on the conservation genomics of Wallacean mammals.
During her visit, Rosie gave a thorough presentation on DNA metabarcoding applications and the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for biodiversity surveys, with a specific focus on invertebrate-derived DNA. This included her PhD work in the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) project, where she used terrestrial leech-derived DNA for detecting mammals across an oil-palm landscape in Sabah, Malaysia.

Hanging out with Rosie (3rd from the right) at Chinatown. Photo 2024 Ong Xin Rui.
We then had a great time soaking in the atmosphere of Chinatown and trying out some delicious Singaporean hawker cuisine. Thanks Rosie for dropping by and we look forward to your next visit!