The “Insect Apocalypse” narrative has led to more public and scientific interest in the insect biodiversity crisis and has been a much debated and discussed phenomenon. In this Nature Reviews Earth & Environment Viewpoint article, five researchers, including TEE Lab's Dr Eleanor Slade, provide their views and suggestions on these five questions:
What aspects of insect declines are still under debate versus generally resolved?
What are the main drivers and mechanisms of insect declines?
Are all insects likely to suffer from these anthropogenic effects, or are any more or less vulnerable?
What are the best approaches to studying insect declines?
What data gaps or knowledge gaps are important to fill in the next few years?

Viewpoint in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment: Insect declines in the Anthropocene (Blüthgen et al. 2023)

Screenshot of The New York Time's coverage of the "insect apocalypse".
Read the full discussion here: