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Nicole A. S.-Y. Dorville


I am a PhD candidate at NTU ASE. My background is in environmental science, with strong emphasis on conservation biology/physiology and ecology. I adore strange and unique creatures, especially ecosystem service providers. My PhD aims to evaluate the effectiveness urban habitats (nature parks) and urban habitat links (Nature Ways and park connectors) through novel technologies. I study mostly nocturnal biota (bats, moths, orthopterans) with the exception of some daytime pollinators, and abiota: temperature and light, while getting to tinker and play with the latest recording or wildlife identification gadgets.My hobbies include: tactical physics (Aikido), theatrical mathematics (Dungeons & Dragons), curated botany (gardening), and eccentric ownership (collecting small plush/felt creatures). My favourite teas are a tea-way-tie between rooibos, yerba-maté and kombucha.

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