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Nagichetty Ashok Poorvi


Hola! I’m a research assistant with the TEE Lab currently working on a project comparing the litterfall nutrient cycling between forests and urban green spaces in Singapore. My main gig involves the identification of microbe communities and invertebrates using molecular techniques such as metabarcoding and sequencing.

Before this, I did my FYP in ASE NTU where I was involved in quantifying the differences in soil enzymes and nutrients between primary and secondary forests in Singapore. Both of these projects feed into my passion for uncovering more about the biogeochemical cycles in tropical ecosystems, especially forests!

In my free time I like to take on side quests such as finding the best coffee and bubble tea joints in Singapore. When I’m not sciencing or out exploring, I like to play squash, go bouldering, crochet, read books, and play DnD with my friends. My favourite tea is earl grey!

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